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Christopher Bashur

Associate Professor | College of Engineering and Science: Chemistry and Chemical Engineering

Affiliate Faculty | College of Engineering and Science: Biomedical Engineering and Science

Contact Information
(321) 674-8488
F.W. , Room 220, Gordon L. Nelson Heath Sciences Building


Biomaterials, Tissue Engineering, Drug Delivery, Electrospinning, Bioprinting, Cardiovascular

Personal Overview

The core focus of my research involves elucidating how cells interact with their microenvironment (e.g., topography and scaffold composition) and using this knowledge to develop strategies to produce tissue engineered grafts. My lab works on the different stages necessary to develop clinical therapies: including (a) developing novel biomaterials, (b) exploring cell - microenvironment interactions, and (c) determining the viability of constructs in vivo. The primary goal of the lab is overcoming the current limitations to engineering small-diameter vascular grafts, which include the lack of a functional endothelium and limited elastic matrix production.  The lab also develops drug delivery strategies for tissue engineering and regenerative medicine.